About Us

President’s Report


Can you believe that we are already halfway through 2022?

I need to start off by acknowledging the fact that over the last year, our committee has continued to deliver events, all while facing the continued complications of Covid-19, increased teacher workload and increasing teacher shortages. Your continued support, through your membership and attendance at events  is an affirmation and motivation for the committee to continue this very important work.

I extend on your behalf thanks to  the Executive and Committee. Our team has been faced with many personal celebrations and challenges; yet we have continued to maintain a core of dedicated professionals who ensure that deadlines were met to deliver the 2021 Annual Conference (which shifted from face to face, to blended and ended up being a virtual event). We were excited to reintroduce the HSC Teacher Seminars again, and look forward to including these again in 2022. The Texstyle HSC Showcase, virtual seminars and presentations were a blended series of events this year, made possible by a partnership with the Embroiderers Guild.

A lesson that we have embraced from Covid and learning from home is the value of providing access to recorded packages and ensuring the Texstyle Virtual Exhibition is made available to all students and teachers across the state. TEA will continue to look for innovative solutions to allow members to access content in ways that best meet their needs.

We have worked to strengthen our partnerships with NESA, TAFE NSW (Fashion Design Studio) and ACU; our long-time sponsors Blessington and S&S Creativity Unlimited, and  E&M Greenfield, the Embroiderers Guild NSW, Cotton Australia, Knitters Guild, Grey Photography, and Rampe Realistic Imaging. TEA takes great pride in ensuring these relationships are nurtured and allow an evolution that best meets the needs of all stakeholders.

As your representatives, TEA will continue to inform members and provide a collective voice at stakeholder meetings and other forums with educational stakeholders including NESA and ACARA. As we approach the review of the Technology syllabuses, It is crucial we work to sustain the association, our curriculum areas and ensure TEA can continue to provide accredited professional learning opportunities to develop curriculum knowledge and professional practice.

Our Annual General Meeting was held at the end of May, however we always welcome new members to our committee at any time.  The sustainability of professional associations is reliant on volunteers, dedicated teachers who are already busy in their schools but can find time to support Technology teachers across the state through TEA. The larger the team, the greater the ability to share the workload and ensure that we can continue to develop and deliver high-quality professional learning events. The TEA team meets virtually twice a term via Zoom, allowing us to have representation from across the state. Please reach out via social media or email enquiries.teansw@gmail.com to connect with us. 

To ensure you are receiving important updates via member email and this magazine every semester, please check that you and/or your school have renewed membership with TEA for 2022.

You can find information about the following events and resources on our website:

2022 Teacher Workshop Day

2022 Textile Art Piece (TAP) Challenge

2022 Texstyle Virtual Exhibition 

If you have a suggestion, feedback or other information that you would like to share, please contact me via email: president.teansw@gmail.com.



Toni Robinson


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Technology Educators Association